
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes inspired many film-makers. Many of them, as did Sir Doyle, fall prey to the appeal of Victorian ages but, thanks to the advanced technology of 1984 Cams, the BBC could film nowadays events in Alternate Earth II, as authorised by the Rule Book of Wibbly-Woobly with, for evident reasons, a slight lateness as compared to our timeline. Here is a list of most known sherlockholmian motion pictures.

> When I've seen the movie/series, its image is linked to a blog about it: informations, critics, maybe a link or two.
> Documentary about the evolution of Mr. Holmes figure through time

Some Links:
> A short intro to BBC Sherlock.
> Interviews of B. Cumberbatch about the first season.
> Some of the Unaired Pilot excerpts
> About shipping subtext.
> Some Sherlock OST.




1900 - Sherlock Holmes Baffled, a very short mutoscope film by Biograph, first movie starring Mr. Holmes, even though it is more a parody than a detective story.

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