Well, that's an intricate question. This is why we really need a (non-medical) Doctor to explain it:
What is the Wibbly Wobbly Rule Book?
It's a book where one can read all the Wibbly Wobbly Rules.
What are the Wibbly Wobbly Rules?
If we knew, there wouldn't be a Rule Book.
(as determined by scientists)
NB: This is only an excerpt (the first three hundred pages) of the Book. All other twelve hundred billions, five hundred sixty eight and four hundred fifty eight others volumes were too long to copy (plus I didn't scan the drawings).
Rule n°1
None of the rules presented in the Rule Book of Wibbly Wobbly are of any importance, and if they do, we appologise for that.
Rule n°2
Rules don't have to be established in order. Nor by number. They could be named anything actually.
Miranda Rule
All the persons named Miranda shall be pretty.
Factual Rule
Time is a dot. Not a dot, no, not actually. Time doesn't exist. Time is a mere though in a brain. Time is an idea born of the comparison of several states of being in the evolution of a being. Time is a word.
Black Bird Should Fly Rule
Wibbly Wobbly is also a word.
Rule Of Seriousness
I like ice cream.
As translating this was quite tedious, I will now take a short break and maybe come back to it when the Internet will have evolved into someone better and finally learnt how to use Brain Wave Catch technology or how to cook up free cookies, like it already does on Alternate Six of Platnet Le Condor.
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