The series has inspired cultish devotion that easily outstrips its short first run. Hardcore Sherlock fans have taken to sites such as Tumblr in order to imagine what Holmes and Watson might get up to once the deduction is done for the day. Cue much nervous giggling between Freeman and Cumberbatch. “There is weird fan fiction out there — weird,” Cumberbatch says. “They write stories and do manga cartoons of what they think you get up to behind closed doors. Some of it’s funny. Some of it’s full-on sex. Get Martin to show you some.”“Much as Sherlock adores John, and he’s fond of him, there’s no love, there’s nothing sexual — all the jokes aside,” Cumberbatch says. “The problem is, they [the jokes in the script] fuel the fantasy of the few into flames for the many. People presume that’s what it is, but it’s not.”“If you want to think that they’re secretly in love with each other, then you can,” Freeman says. “But we’ve never played anything like that. I don’t really think they are, but there’s enough of that for people to see it if they want. I think they’re just really interested in each other because they give something to the other that is lacking in their life.” And that, surely, is what friends are for.
Rest of the article here.
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